“Harsh reality”

” Idiot” the man screams. As I was standing at the bus stop waiting for my bus in the scorching heat. Near the bus stop, there was a small tea shop, only two people worked one person was making the tea and a child was serving it to the customers. Now coming to the point, the man who screamed ordered a tea while serving, little fella spilt (few drops) teas on his newly polished shoe, the so-called gentleman’s face slowly turning red, boiling in a rage, as I turned my eyes hoping to see my bus, the sound of the serving tray hitting the ground startled me. “Rage took over humanity and the victim was an innocent 10-year-old.” Accidentally spilling the tea on his shiny shoes before his important meeting was considered a heinous crime. Before anyone could reach the child ran away with tears in his eyes. Few people stood up but the majority was too busy to empathise a poor kid. The kid left but he left behind, a cruel picture of our society.

It’s heartbreaking to see a child losing its innocence to harsh reality.

Child labour is practised worldwide and its a major issue. According to data from Census 2011, the number of child labourers in India is 10.1 million of which 5.6 million are boys and 4.5 million are girls.

A Demon named Depression

Heavy weights on soul,
Bottled up feelings.
lips shy away from words,
Seems like gloomy clouds all around.

Darkness swallowing little by little,
The acetic rain burn’t my soul.
Falling into the pit of eternal darkness,
Though to the world I seemed fine.

Pain in my heart and tears in my eyes,
In darkness even my shadow refused to stand by me.
Hoping to be rescued but no one cared,
Atlast the kiss of death took my pain away.

The pain was real the tears was real,
Yet everyone thought it was not.
Now they cared shed a few tears,
Their souls filled with guilt.
Can they feel the pain now?



Summer’s here and we are all ready to get the best of it. To beat the scorching heat with sandy beaches and cool waves or to be mesmerized by the snowy mountains .Wandering how to cut back the weight of that heavy luggage then you are in the right place .An important advice Usually I always tend to forget something, once I forgot the camera and my phone charger and it was a catastrophe. So in order to avoid that kind of messy situation make a list of things you need in your phone .Travelling without the necessities would turn your vacation into a disaster. A pro traveller or not with these 10 essentials you are all set to go.


The most obvious yet most important. You should pack your clothes according to the weather of that place you are visiting. Always make sure to check the weather and prepare yourself according to that.

The basic’s tooth brush, tooth paste ,shampoo, soap ,a moisturizer, hair brush , the sunscreen is a must no matter where you are travelling gotta take care of that beautiful skin and a sanitizer to rub off the germs. It will be your contribution towards our environment if you use eco-friendly products.

Choose bags according to your destination. Planning for a trek or some place in the mountains carry a carry-on luggage bags will not be a option in these places .If you are missing the sand and the waves a light weight carry-on luggage will be prefect like Samsonite carry-on luggage bags they make the most light weight bags possible. Travelling in train or a flight it is convenient in all ways.

While travelling using the public toilets or during a trek it is really hard for us ladies to deal with the natures call. No one wants to fall sick or get infected by any kind of germs. So the greatest invention known as female urination device helps you to maintain your hygiene and gives you the freedom to travel stress free.

In 2019 it’s not easy to cope up without a phone from credit card details to all the contacts our phone bears it all for us. A dead phone is cause of a disaster in your vacation(just like mine mentioned above).Always make sure to carry a power bank it will help you in emergency situations.

During long flights or train journey you are not able to rest properly in result of that you get tired and your tour plan gets effected. To make yourself comfortable during the journey neck pillow is the solution. It’s much better than the inflatable pillows you can rest in any posture while seating or laying down whatever suits you.

Again a great invention and very important one. With the help of a camera you can relive your moments which you have spent. My personal favourite is Canon power shot G7 mark II it’s the camera for everyone. It can be used by a photographer or a vlogger it fulfils everyone’s requirements. It captures high quality photos and videos with the facility to share the photos right away through wifi, the flip touch screen comes handy too.

In case you are more adventurous just like me then go pro it is. From under water videos to trekking videos it records all and high quality videos. You can set up the camera on your head or chest just turn it on and leave the rest to it. It’s a typical sports and action camera.

As a reader I personally refer kindle for the long journeys. You can read a story or you can read a book on the place you are visiting as a part of research. It’s the best way to spent the long hours through the journey.

Last but not the least actually a vital one. Without your passport and an identity proof you are not allowed in anywhere from airports to hotels. Make sure it’s always there in your go to purse. With all the other essentials you are ready to rock and roll.


The moon and the sea

Standing at the shore gazing out the sea,

Thinking is this real Or fantasy.

Under the shining moon and stars,

The restless sea goes on and on.

Admiring what lies in its immeasurable depths,

Who knows may be tons untold secrets.

It seems the sky and sea have merged,

But that is what the eyes urge.

O’ endless blue is there a limit to you?

As far as the eyes see I am blue.

Something about love…..

A small word having so much meaning to it contains the power to change the world , love gives us strength ,love has no barriers,love teaches us to be kind , love is all we need love is in air love is everywhere.

                                   Love is the warmth we feel in our hearts,

Love is as unconditional as a mothers love,

Love is forgiveness, Love is sinless,

Love is the savior in this vicious creation ,

Love is the substance of our existence.

Mental Health – Still a taboo in India.

According to WHO nearly 5 crore people are suffering from depression in India which is 4.5% of the population ,42.5% of corporate employees suffer from depression , About 800000 people die by suicide worldwide every year out of this 135000 (17%) are residents of India , Recently the suicide rates increased from 7.9% to 10.3% and the list goes on and on.All of us at some point of time feel sad but when the sadness seems to last longer or feels most extreme that might result in depression .Though depression and other mental disorders have been  recognised  since 11th century ,previously the depression was known as “Melancholia” .As the time passed by the idea of mental disorders became transparent but clearly a certain portion of our society remained in dark.

India is the most depressed country in the world | Mental Health Day 2018

It deeply pains me to watch someone who is in need of urgent guidance or counselling yet our society restricts them, as mental illness is unacceptable .I wonder why ? If the kidneys and heart can malfunction why cant the brain?Depression can effect a person at any age , a term known as “Masked depression” is commonly diagnosed in children between the ages 8 to 18 years old, and it can seriously effect a child ‘s development .

As a student I have witnessed bullying and peer pressure even I am a victim of this heinous act, this kind of behaviour creates an unpleasant atmosphere which can adversely effect a person’s mental health, and it can even affect a person for life.Not only this but there are various other causes which can effect a person’s mental health – it may be genetic ,if any crucial change takes place in a person’s life they may feel stressed to cope up with the situation,a stressful work environment may effect……..

 But no matter what, do not think you are alone, the only solution to this problem is to “Talk” talk to someone who cares for you, your family , friends don’t cover it up. I have seen full grown adults refuse to accept their mental illness as it is a sign of weakness ,but it is “not”, if you can”t acknowledge your problem how will you resolve it ? Time to change – to change our perspective towards someone who is in depression instead of ignoring them have a conversation with them being able to talk about mental health can take a weight off their shoulders  , time to change the societies view on mental illness . In my point of view “Happy and healthy citizens can lead to a happy and healthy country.”